Marjorie gets a final warning from David about her dogs.

Radio Times: David confronts Marjorie.

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  • Oliver and Caroline are out with the hunt and are waiting for them to find (isn’t Oliver supposed to be the hunt master – shouldn’t he be with the hunt?). It’s a beautiful day. Bartleby is getting a bit startled by all the fuss. Joe is going to borrow Oliver’s landrover to move Baby Spice.
  • David lost two of the ewes from the dog worrying. It could have been much worse. They will have to tell Marjorie. But David will have to be gentle. She is very old. Of all people she should know better. Ruth is off to buy Josh’s school stuff. It’s amazing to think he’s going to school already.
  • Baby Spice looks happy in her new home. It’s quite a nostalgic moment for Joe. Oliver is happy to keep her as long as Joe likes. Ed’s been a great help to Oliver. Joe hopes to see him back keeping up the family tradition before he dies.
  • Marjorie is very shocked to find out her dogs have been out. She can’t believe it. She doesn’t know what to say. But David had to come to tell her.
  • Oliver and Caroline are enjoying themselves listening to opera. They will have to go and see the real thing. Just as long as it’s not Wagner. Phil and Oliver don’t hold out much hope for Joe’s dream. Even if by some miracle Ed does get back into farming, Joe won’t live to see it.
  • David will try to have a word with postman about Marjorie’s gate but if it happens again, David won’t have any choice. Marjorie says she’ll see to it.

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