Matt plans to pull the plug on Ambridge Heat and Power.

Radio Times: Emma’s nesting instincts come to the fore.

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  • Matt is being pampered and is thinking that he needs to reassess his priorities – starting with lunch with Lilian, though he prefers The Bull to her rather fancier suggestions. He seems to have something up his sleeve about the digester.
  • Tom is on his own with the pigs today but he is quick to point out to Brian that their good condition is in no small measure due to Jazzer, who is turning into a good pig man. Brian wants to talk about the business and manages to get Tom to agree to lunch at The Bull. It’s a popular place!
  • Ed is beginning to worry about what he will say in the radio interview. Emma is very encouraging. She also has something up her sleeve – about a place to live: her idea is to ask Ruth if they can rent Rickyard Cottage. Ruth is not sure and she will have to talk to David. She will get back to them in a few days.
  • Matt assures Lilian that he has no regrets about the meeting with his mother; it would have been good if she had wanted to see him again but there is no reason why she should.
  • Brian has been going through the books: the business is sound but the pork side of the business is letting them down; they should cut back on it and go for premium bacon instead. He recommends that Tom talks to Adam about his experience with venison.
  • At the BL Board Meeting, Matt wants to discuss BL’s involvement in the digester project – and the rival plant proposed at Loxley Norton, which he is informed is on the point of agreeing to take supermarket waste and is looking for new partners. Brian is staggered to hear him declare the Ambridge plant as dead in the water; BL should invest in the other plant: there isn’t room for two.

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