Mike is getting into a real mess at Willow Farm but William will be home to pluck the turkeys.

Radio Times: Will and Clarrie talk turkey.

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  • Hayley is continuing to be ridiculously grateful to Elizabeth for having them to stay at Lower Loxley and has turned herself into a domestic slave.
  • Mike has got roped into putting up the Christmas tree lights. Hayley, on one of her many errands bumps into him and wants to check out on how he is getting on at Willow Farm. When she see the state it is in she decides to start cleaning up there too – and he hasn’t got the heating on either. He thinks there really is no need to make a fuss.
  • Clarrie takes George down to Gloucester and finally asks whether Will can help with the turkeys but they both agree it’s impossible.
  • Nic calls Will to ask if he will come skating with Jake – and even if George could come. But Will thinks not yet. She tries to persuade him that he could take the day for the turkeys, if he really wanted to.
  • The Christmas Light Up has a few problems with some lights blowing. But while they are sorting it out, Will calls to say he has sorted a day off and he will be there to pluck the turkeys.

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