Mike proposes to Vicky and she accepts.

Radio Times: Mike and Vicky take the plunge.

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  • Lilian is blaming herself. If she hadn’t given Matt so much grief he wouldn’t be in the state he is in. She hasn’t heard anything from him since he dumped her on the motorway. Adam tries to convince her it will all be fine but she isn’t so sure. She has left a lot of messages and one in particular that tells him she loves him but still no response. Perhaps he is never coming back.
  • Someone has put an engagement announcement in the paper with photos of Brenda and Tom as children. They aren’t impressed but think it must be Mike.
  • Clarrie has won the flower arranging competition. Seems a shame they are being taken apart but the flowers are going to old peoples’ homes. And the bowl is going safely back to Susan.
  • The engagement party goes well. Brenda isn’t impressed to find out it was Vicky’s idea to put the announcement in the paper. She is so attention seeking. Mike never seems to stand up for Brenda anymore.
  • Caught up in the romance of the evening, while stargazing on the way home, Mike proposes to Vicky and she accepts.

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