Mike says his farewells. Christine is determined not to move back to Woodbine Cottage.

Radio Times: Christine needs cheering up, and Mike is feeling nostalgic.

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  • Christine continues to be unable to accept any responsibility for leaving valuable things in her house and isn’t enjoying dealing with the insurers. Peggy tries to cheer her up with a trip with Jill to a local garden. Even when they get to the garden she still fusses about not being able to go back and is determined she won’t go back. Peggy insists that she is going to buy the fuchsia Chris liked to plant as a new beginning.
  • Neil helps Mike to clear out his shed. A lot of memories involved. Eddie joins in and agrees that getting rid of things is not a good idea. Eddie and Neil have said that they’ll take it off his hands for him. Eddie seems keen to take most of it! Finally, Mike finds his own design of rat trap. He admits it never actually caught any rats. Suddenly Eddie isn’t so keen. But they agree on a final session at the cider club for old time’s sake.
  • Jill hopes they’ve cheered Christine up a bit but Peggy thinks they won’t have convinced her to stay at the cottage. She seems determined. But where will she go? They are both convinced that a home isn’t the right place but they will just have to support her whatever she decides.
  • Eddie and Neil say they’ll keep a seat warm for Mike whenever he wants to come back. He still has to sell the milk round after all. They share memories about darts matches. And Mike remembers moving into Rickyard with Betty, and the accident losing his eye, losing Betty. Mike wonders if he’d have got through it without his mates – the bad times and the good. It has been a real privilege. A bloke couldn’t ask for two better mates. He is going to miss them.

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