Neil finally gets Tracy moved into No.6. Tony and Jennifer have a stand up row about Pat’s e petition on the village website.

Radio Times: Neil braves the dragon’s den, and Jennifer is on the attack.

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  • Neil helps to collect Tracy’s stuff from Den’s house but she won’t go in until she knows he is out. Neil is fed up about it and says they have to get things done. They do eventually see Den leave and so they can make a start.
  • Kylie has gone back to university. Tony tells Susan they would be happy to see her again. He has made a start on clearing the yard and suggests to Susan that Neil might like the corrugated sheets. Meanwhile, Susan is worried about Neil and Susan meeting Den. He can be very unpredictable. They stuff the car full and then Tracy remembers the kids’ bikes. But Den comes back and she forces Neil to hide.
  • Jennifer turns up at Bridge Farm in a fury because she’s seen the e-petition on the village website and says it is a totally inappropriate use of the website. Jennifer blames it on spite because she wouldn’t lend him the money. Tony tells her it’s nothing to do with that and all to do with fighting an inhumane system of farming and Jennifer is so determined to follow the money she just can’t see it.
  • Neil does finally get away with the stuff and moves Tracy in No.6. Neil and Susan have a pleasant evening on their own at last.

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