Neil loses patience with Tracy. David shares his problems with Tony.

Radio Times: Tracy has second thoughts. Meanwhile, David and Tony drown their sorrows.

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  • A hung-over Tracy encounters Neil painting the landing, and complains about him being there. She stayed at the house last night, leaving Susan to look after the children, which didn’t please Neil. Tracy claims it was to cheer a friend with man trouble. Neil asks why she has made so little progress with the children’s room, which she agreed to paint.
  • Wearing his NFU hat, David calls at Bridge Farm with details of a seasonal food initiative. Tom and Pat are all for it; Tony is his usual negative self. David asks him to come for a drink at The Bull, and Pat encourages him to go. Tom actually offers to clear up after the job he has helped Tony with, so Tony agrees.
  • Tracy seems less and less willing to pull her weight. She claims not to like the paint she chose, and although she has started the tin, intends to take it back and exchange it. Neil is horrified, but Tracy claims the shop will never know. She has heard that Kylie is coming to Ambridge; maybe she would like to go with Tracy to get her nails done.
  • Tony launches into a mega moan about re-branding, Tom’s frequent absences and the squeezed milk profit over a pint. David listens sympathetically, and tells Tony of Brookfield’s problems with its dairy herd not showing a profit. They had considered getting out of sheep farming to go over to a New Zealand grazing system, but Pip is so full of wonderful ideas for marketing the lamb that they could never do that.
  • Tony returns for lunch in a bad mood, as the chainsaw has broken and he needs to cut up a fallen tree. But at least they are not the only farmers with problems.

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