Nigel and Elizabeth have a date, so do Adam and Ian.

Radio Times: Nigel gets romantic.

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  • Brenda is bound for a hen party, so why on earth does she think that Adam would like to join her, especially as he is waiting for the charming Ian. Nigel arrives looking ‘cool’, almost as if he is on a date; is he having an affair? If he is, Adam will windsurf naked up the Am – it’s that likely. Now Nigel’s wife has arrived but they is not sitting with him; Ian thinks this is better than EastEnders!
  • Nigel is architect Rupert Scott-Bennett for the night and Lizzie is Eleanor Bennett, sporting an American accent.
  • Adam and Ian look on fascinated; it must be more exciting than Adam’s private life just now and Ian seems to be similarly placed.
  • Rupert and Eleanor get along famously, indeed she really thinks she is falling in love with him. That was quick.
  • Love is not going so well for Matt; when he calls on Lilian she can only spare him a few minutes and wants him gone before her date arrives. He wanted space; he’s got it. Perhaps he did go too far; he really meant just to cool it in front of Brian and Jennifer but not to hurt her. It’s ok, she agrees that they both need more space. He wants to keep in touch on business matters; for that she can find him a window but not until next Thursday at 11.
  • Nigel is worried that Lizzie fell for Rupert because she was fed up with boring old Nigel. Not a bit of it and they should do this again, but as themselves; it was fun.
  • Ian tells Adam something of his past, including his former partner; he was an estate agent. On her way to a club, Brenda tries again without success to persuade Adam to join her; a big kiss tells Ian that they know each other quite well. Adam will tell all when they move on to a club – not the one the girls are heading for.

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