No going back: Debbie has her Decree Nisi and Tom has his lease.

Radio Times: A fool at The Bull.

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  • Fallon seems to be getting on with Tom – but Kirsty is a wet weekend. She hasn’t heard from Chabba this week. Jolene is thinking about dressing up as an Easter bunny for the Ambridge Three Peaks but Sid isn’t so sure it will set the right tone. Joe seems to think it’s a good idea.
  • Tom is looking over his new unit to work out what will go where. Maybe the butchers will have some ideas. Peggy only hopes that Kenton will show so much commitment. But she won’t be interfering. The £10K was a gift – no strings attached. Peggy is still nervous over the computers – especially with Joe around showing off . Typewriters were so much simpler.
  • Adam is still helping out on the farm but seems to think its all a bit extravagant. Debbie can’t afford to risk disease though. She’s interested that Adam has signed up to Sid’s gym for three months. She didn’t know he was going to be around that long.
  • Joe is rather surprised to find when he logs onto the computer, that he has been transformed into Mr April – Joe’s head on Bert’s body. That had better be got rid of. Joe has his reputation to think of – especially when Peggy finds it still on the computer when she comes for her lesson. She’d heard about these things but never expected to come across it in the Bull!
  • Debbie is distraught to find her Decree Nisi waiting for her in the post. Adam tries to comfort her and to get her to talk but she still won’t open up. She won’t go out with him either but at least he takes her to the Bull.

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