Oliver makes plans for a dairy herd. Helen gives Kirsty something to think about.

Radio Times: Helen does some tough talking.

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  • Caroline is feeling upbeat about the future of Grey Gables as she discusses the plans for Mothers’ day with Ian. She’s thinking about not replacing Trudy, but sharing out her responsibilities. Whatever she does, it’s wonderful not to have to consider Jack in making the decision.
  • Helen feels it’s time to tell Kirsty a few home truths. She suggests that the reason she’s avoiding Brenda is that she’s still in love with Tom, and can’t take his new relationship with Brenda. Kirsty denies it hotly, but Helen tells her that if she’s not careful, she could lose Sam. She needs to offer Brenda more support.
  • Adam is still griping. Brian has told him not to foul up the estate contract which Debbie so cleverly obtained. Adam thinks Debbie has both Brian and Matt round her little finger, and he can’t take it.
  • Oliver has done the figures for his dairy herd idea, and is very enthusiastic about it. He manages to convince Caroline of its profitability, and she tells him to go ahead. It will mean work for both Ed and Mike. That’s the easy bit, says Caroline. The hard bit is deciding who is going to go up to Carly’s room and disturb whatever is going on there to send Christopher home.

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