On St Valentine’s day, Matt loves Lilian, Lilian loves Matt, Rhys loves Fallon, Fallon loves Rhys and Tom loves the bank manager.

Radio Times: There’s a Valentine’s Day surprise. Meanwhile Shula hears some sad news.

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  • Matt’s Valentine treat for Lilian goes well. The spa is wonderful, Matt is impressed by the masseur and they enjoy a sauna together, though Matt fights shy of some of the more extreme treatments. Lilian suggests that he might like to take time out to read his emails, but an expansive Matt tells her he will catch up tomorrow. Today is just for them to be together.
  • Brenda finds Tom bagging potatoes. Since her employers are out on their Spa day, she has made soup and sandwiches to share with Tom. Pip’s departure for Amsterdam has annoyed Tom, but his spirits are lifted when he gets an email from the bank to say they like his business plan and want to talk further. Brenda offers to buy him a drink before their Valentine’s meal to celebrate.
  • The Bull is staffed by a rather lovelorn Rhys. Fallon is also working, so there will be no celebrations for them. Brenda and Tom arrive, having, of course, called in on baby Bethany first. Tom attempts to bring the conversation round to babies, but Brenda prefers to talk about how happy Mike and Vicky are.
  • Dining at Grey Gables, Matt and Lilian met Shula, who is concerned that Valentine’s day falls during Lent, when she, presumably, practises abstinence. Both couples enjoy a wonderful meal, thanks to Ian, but then Shula receives a call from her sister-in-law to say that Bunty, Mark’s mother has died suddenly. Matt and Lilian offer the usual platitudes and go home. Lilian tells Matt how much she appreciates his thoughtfulness, and he admits that sometimes ‘life and stuff’ get in the way, but he really does love her. After just a moment’s hesitation, Lilian tells Matt that she loves him too.
  • As Fallon cashes up after a busy evening at Jaxx, Rhys arrives with some flowers and a pair of earrings. Fallon is delighted, and even more so when Rhys tells her he thinks they have a future, and he would like her to move in with him. St Valentine has done his work.

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