Pat and Tony receive a letter from Kylie. Neil tells Brian the parish council wants to set up a public meeting.

Radio Times: Tom reacts badly and Lynda makes waves.

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  • Pat is shocked by the article on the village website and complains to Lynda about it but she says that she thinks an article from Jennifer is legitimate. But she will put up a link to Pat’s petition and will put up any articles but the website should be an area for debate. Tom and Brenda are putting the link on Facebook and Twitter too.
  • Pat gets a letter from Kylie who knows they have met Rich. She thinks it was good that they went to meet him knowing that he wouldn’t know who they were and that she has fond memories of Ambridge. Pat gets a little excited by Tony manages to calm her down. Still they don’t know what it would lead to down the road.
  • Lynda persuades Neil that there needs to be a public meeting about the dairy and leaves it to him to call Brian. Brian is not at all keen and says he’ll need to consult the board.
  • Later, Pat persuades Tony that they can leave a message for Kylie on Facebook. Just to say thank you for the letter and to keep the channels of communication open. They decide they have to tell Tom and Helen Kylie has been in touch. Tom is furious again, he wishes they would just forget it. Helen wasn’t so bothered. Tom just wants it to go away and not happen again.

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