Pat has an ok-ish birthday; Brian pours his heart out to David about his dreadful situation.

Radio Times: David has cause for concern.

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  • It’s Pat’s birthday, and Tony brings her a cup of tea in bed. Tony’s imaginative present is a gift voucher from Underwoods. Pat is sceptical about the compatability between Greg and Helen, in anticipation of their meal there this evening. Tony is more encouraging in an attempt, perhaps, to allay Pat’s fears.
  • Helen and Kirsty are preparing for a stock take in the shop. Helen too is nervous about the evening ahead, though conversation quickly turns to the Chaba-Kirsty situation. This is cut short as Tom arrives with some sausages. He is sure that his bid for national domination of the sausage market is not going to be put off course. He’s sure he can handle the tough buyers from large supermarket chains.
  • Brian seems in a world of his own in conversation with David at Brookfield. Brian’s real reason for calling is to enquire about Debbie, and why she has not yet returned from the conference. David tries to console him, saying how much she has been through. Brian is truly feeling sorry for himself, with everybody giving him the cold shoulder at the moment. David doesn’t really know what to say. Brian continues to pour his heart out – what seems to be affecting him most is the lost of his son, he misses him SO much.
  • Evening at the Bull, after the birthday meal (which went well it seems). Helen rushes off as Greg doesn’t like her to be too late back! Pat’s impression of the meal was not so favourable – not the food, as much as the miserable Greg.
  • David and Ruth end the day in conversation about Brian and Debbie. Ruth has little sympathy for Brian’s plight, but, as David points out, if Debbie goes (which she might) it would be the final straw, and might just finish him off completely.

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