Phil and Jill get some details on moving from Brookfield.

Radio Times: Phil and Jill take advice.

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  • Phil and Jill are feeling distinctly conspiratorial – after last week’s secret meeting with Bunty and Reg, they’re off to the accountant to discuss possible means of financing their move from the farmhouse. He recomends selling some land – which they, not apparently the partnership, own – to David and Ruth (Brookfield, all told, could be worth about £1.5 million). If they sell it at the low end of the market rate, David and Ruth should be able to borrow based on it’s fuller market value. They’re intrigued by the idea, but aren’t in any hurry to make any decisions.
  • They drop in on Woodbine Cottage, which Jason has done a good (if slow) job on … getting Bert and Freda back into it could still be a problem, though!
  • Hayley’s worried about Marjorie and her driving, while her eyesight is back, she’s still nervous since her crash.
  • Eddie’s not in a mood to receive sympathy and still won’t hear of Brian as anything other than a villain. He’s got a meeting with Ted Burns, the rep from the Tenant Farmers’ Association tomorrow.