Phoebe tells Josh she is thinking about a gap year. She isn’t sure about Oxford. Rob starts putting out feelers for a job – to Justin.

Radio Times: Richard is in demand, and Rob is on a mission.

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  • Phoebe visits Josh for some company before the results on Thursday so she is helping him with the eggs. Elizabeth appears to and asks them how they are doing and says the twins are nervous. But really Shula and Elizabeth are there to help Jill choose a new dress for the opera.
  • Rob and Ursula discuss Rob’s statement. He’s put everything in – the burning of the toad in the hole, the hot bath. And Ursula will need to give a statement about Helen being an unfit mother. Ursula says he is worrying too much. Him getting custody is a forgone conclusion but Rob wants to make it absolutely certain. Ursula then suggests that they should all move back to Hampshire but Rob is adamant that Blossom Hill Cottage is their home.
  • Elizabeth bumps into Richard while shopping. He tries to tempt her to lunch but Elizabeth says she is too busy with the opera. Another time. Shula then appears and Richard suddenly needs to make himself scarce.
  • Josh tries to convince Phoebe that he isn’t interested in a degree. Why would he want a debt when he could be earning money? Phoebe sees his point about debt but Josh thinks it doesn’t really matter. His results will be rubbish anyway. Phoebe does seem to wonder if people are just in the system. Should they really stay on? Phoebe admits she is thinking about a gap year. He is the first to know. Kate thinks she should abandon academia altogether. Debbie thinks she can offer an internship. Josh is amazed she is thinking about a year on the farm rather than Oxford but she really isn’t sure.
  • Shula calls Richard later to thank him for talking to her about the hunt sab. Richard manages to put her off again – he’s on late shifts. Then she offers him an opera ticket but he is already going with Sasha. Shula will be going with her mother. Marvellous.
  • Later Rob tells Ursula she is right. He needs to think for the long term. He needs a job so he can afford a proper nanny for his boys. He’s already put out some feelers. The worse thing he ever did was to get involved with Helen Archer. He wanted to get a proper job after leaving BL but Helen would insist he worked in her silly farm shop. He says he is aiming high. He knows his worth. Then the phone rings. It’s Justin.

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