Pip laments Matthew’s imminent departure. Jolene steps in to cook for Burns night.

Radio Times: The Bull needs more manpower, and Pip is making every moment count.

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  • It’s Matthew’s last week in Ambridge and he and Pip are working out how to spend their remaining days. Toby and Rex have commandeered some of Pip’s time to pick her brains over their new venture – pastured eggs. She invites Matthew along to the meeting at The Bull with the Fairbrothers, much to Toby’s disgust. Pip and Matthew think the idea may be too niche and they also point out some pitfalls. Toby later comments to Rex that Pip has been swayed by Matthew’s opinion and looks forward to him leaving.
  • As the chef lets Jolene and Kenton down on Burns night, Kenton passes comment that Adam, who is sitting alone, looks unhappy. Jolene takes on the cooking and the night is a confirmed success with Kenton in high spirits. Pancake Day and Valentine’s Day are next on their agenda, but first a reliable chef must be found.

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