Tom does not back down to Rob’s demands. Charlie bids Ambridge farewell.

Radio Times: Adam seems to have forgotten something, and conflict erupts at Bridge Farm.

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  • Ian and Adam have plans for a long lunch at Grey Gables, to sample Ian’s new menu. Meanwhile, Charlie has plans of his own, and leaves a message for Adam, hoping they can meet for one last drink in The Bull before he leaves for Scotland this afternoon.
  • Rob informs Tom he’s cutting the order for the sausages – one of Bridge Farm’s core brands. Rob reports lower sales recently but Tom’s solution is to increase promotion of the product rather than reduce the order. Accusing Tom of sentimentality rather than a hard-headed business and profit-motivated approach, Rob suggests they return to the conversation later, when there are no customers around.
  • Further last minute changes from the bride-to-be are causing Fallon a few headaches. The wedding is on Wednesday and there’s still plenty to do, so she may need to call on Emma to put in more hours, which Ed doesn’t think will be a problem. Charlie joins Ed in The Bull and lingers over his drink with one eye on the door. Ed offers Charlie kind words over how things have ended at Berrow, and he hopes that after he and Charlie got off on the wrong foot, they came to respect one another.
  • Adam pops into Bridge Farm shop to buy Ian his favourite biscuits and is served by Rob, who is only too happy to remind Adam that this is Charlie’s last day. Adam hurries from the shop, straight to The Bull, to learn from Ed that he has missed Charlie. In so doing, he is late for his lunch with Ian, who has missed out on the shoulder of lamb, with having waited to order, as it’s sold out. Adam muses philosophically that there’s nothing Ian can do about it now, as ‘when it’s gone, it’s gone’.
  • Tom and Fallon further their plans for brunch sales and potential target customers. Tom and Helen will hold some black pudding tastings for customers, once Tom has received the secret ingredient from Joe Grundy tomorrow – for the price of a few pints.

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