Pip visits a laid-back Jude. Nic becomes the Bull’s latest barmaid.

Radio Times: The Bull gets a new recruit, and Pip has an exercise in duplicity.

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  • Pip misses that morning’s bus to Hollerton, risking the train ride to Jude. Jim arrives and gives her a lift to the station. He doesn’t seem to believe her complex tale of meeting her Borchester friend in Hollerton but agrees not to tell Ruth or David.
  • Pip calls Jude from the train. Surprise! He’s reluctant to pick her up from the station, the guys were off out to the adventure centre. Can’t she get a taxi? He can leave a key for her. He relents, the adventure can wait until Pip’s gone.
  • Jude arrives late, they went to the adventure centre anyway although he had to leave early and missed the zip slide. Pip gets out of him that he’s missed her too. She’s starving, can they get something to eat? Repasted, Jude’s off to ring Marco while Pip pays. Pip explains she’d cleaned out by the travelling. OK, I’ll get this, says Jude. You can pay me back next week.
  • Nic hears from Joe that The Bull may need another barmaid to cover for the New Zealand trip. Jolene’s impressed, offers training that afternoon, and a couple of shifts next week. Nic’s delighted. She’ll have to clear it with Will though. Clear it? Just sort out childcare, that kind of thing.
  • Jaxx closes on the 24th for its major refurbishment. Jim’s planning a house warming. He’s thinking of a Roman theme. He’d have to issue guidance though. Only landowners could wear the toga, other guests would have to make do with just a tunica. And Rome’s rules on decoration and length would have to be strictly followed.

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