Roy and Hayley look to the future; Ed also stirs himself.

Radio Times: Jazzer has some words of wisdom.

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  • Joe has stayed at Grange Farm to help move an electric fence but the bottling is too much for him; he needs a rest. He suggests that Oliver gives Ed a call but Oliver insists that Ed must decide for himself, without any pressure. Then Jazzer calls in sick and Oliver faces the bottling alone.
  • As they collect the eggs together, Roy explains to Hayley that he is troubled by the news about his dad and Clarrie; it seems too soon for him to have feelings for someone else.
  • Joe tries to get Ed interested in the farm but to no avail. The Jazzer rings and explains that he is feeling bad about leaving Oliver in the lurch. Ed is sitting on his backside while Oliver busts a gut to keep things going – for Ed. It’s decision time: if Ed doesn’t go back soon to working at Grange Farm, it may be too late.
  • Roy knows that Hayley is talking sense but it still doesn’t seem right. His dad cannot put his life on hold; Hayley thinks that maybe if they move on he will do the same. So they should think again about a place of their own – and try for a baby too. Roy agrees. Hayley is over the moon. (Put him down, dear; remember you are in an ice-cream parlour.)
  • Ed turns up at Grange Farm just as Oliver is getting ready to do the bottling. He is still not 100% but he could give Oliver a hand. Let’s scrub up and get started then.

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