Roy moves into Lower Loxley for Loxfest and after an argument with Hayley, barely remembers to say goodbye.

Radio Times: Roy sets off to attend Loxfest, and Peggy begins to feel better.

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  • Peggy has changed the inscription for the headstone and has no intention of telling Hazel. Lilian thinks she should tell Hazel but Peggy doesn’t think Hazel will even be back. She seems to be back to her old self. Lilian, however, is more concerned with the imminent birth. She wants the baby to be called Ralph but doesn’t think it will happen. She doesn’t like the idea of being a Grandmother either but Peggy tells her a baby will keep her young.
  • Mike and Vicky visit Roy and Hayley before he moves into Lower Loxley for the festival. He is still very bad tempered with Hayley. Mike appears to be a bit out of things, not listening to what people are saying.
  • Vicky wants to tell Roy and Hayley that they are thinking of moving to Birmingham (Ed: though since their house at Willow Farm is supposed to be Brenda’s inheritance, it’s not clear how they will work that one out!) but Mike wants to wait. Hayley complains that Elizabeth is dumping all the responsibility for sorting out the bad publicity on Roy, so overall it is a pretty tense meal.
  • After Mike and Vicky leave, Roy has a go at Hayley for mentioning the bands and for her blaming Elizabeth. Vicky and Mike also have a row too and argue about leaving Mike’s roots. Vicky says she and Bethany should be the most important. Roy leaves, barely remembering to say goodbye to Hayley. Hayley says she doesn’t know what she would do without Mike and Vicky.

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