Ruth’s more than little short with Neil and Debbie tries to win Brian around to ambivalence, if not actual support.

Radio Times: Debbie says thank you.

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  • Debbie’s home from her honeymoon and she loved Paris in the springtime. Her mother is pleased (and comes out with all the normal “marriage suits you” guff – I daresay a few days in Paris on a normal holiday would have had her returning relaxed and happy). Brian’s not unhappy although restricts himself to saying that he hadn’t expected her to return before work tomorrow and a very restrained “a pleasure” when she thanks him for the necklace.
  • Neil, when offered some bales of straw by Ruth for his strawberries, refuses which sends her into a tizzy and she leaves – a bemused Neil arranges with Mike to do some work on the PYO later. Their bales come from a (working, despite everything) Debbie. Mike’s surprised that she had time for any sight-seeing in Paris … and they shuffle into a “doesn’t time fly”, “my Emma’s doing her GCSEs” and “that’s nothing, I’m a grandad” routine and talk about using, like last year, Hayley (the Strawberry Princess) and Brenda (little miss local radio) to drum up trade.
  • Pat’s sorted out her shop interior design and the shopfitters are charged with having it ready for their opening on July 27. In the meantime, Tommy’s worried about the exhausted looking Clarrie, but if she won’t take the time off then what can they do?
  • Debbie’s taking a look at the deer and is joined by Brian. She tries to get him to talk, convincing him that the gift of the necklace meant a lot to her and so did his absence from her wedding. He wants to change the subject but she wants him to face up to her being married and being excited about her future – and wanting him to be excited, too.