Sid dies whilst jogging in New Zealand. Caroline and Lilian help at The Bull.

Radio Times: There’s an unexpected phone call at the Bull and Caroline helps to handle a crisis.

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  • Fallon is bottling up when a tearful Jolene calls. Sid’s dead. He collapsed while out jogging from a suspect heart attack. When he was gone a long time they went looking for him and found people around him. They’d already called an ambulance but he couldn’t be revived.
  • Lucy phones Kathy to tell her. Kenton accompanies Kathy to Jamie’s school. Jamie guesses it’s his dad when he sees the two of them. Kenton is supportive, saying he knows how Jamie feels. He does his best to keep the day normal but it’s a bit awkward.
  • Harry’s looking after Fallon. He suggests not opening up today but Fallon wants to. He calls Lilian because Fallon isn’t up to it. Lilian’s at Gray Gables health farm when the call comes, so she and Caroline come down to help out.
  • Caroline tells Harry how it was Sid that gave her a job behind the bar when she arrived in Ambridge in the 70s and that he’s has been a part of her life for a long time. Fallon comes down, wanting to do something. Caroline suggests helping Frieda behind the scenes in the kitchen.
  • The pub’s packed in the evening. Most of the cricket team arrive after nets and look to stay for the night. Fallon rings her mum and tells her how everyone is there to help. Lucy is in a state and having to cope whilst being pregnant too. There’s not much more to say. Both suggest the other can ring whenever they want. Harry finds Fallon sobbing after she has rung off and consoles her. She knows mum is going to miss Sid so much.

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