The bad news mounts up.

Radio Times: The bad news mounts up.

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  • Sid and Kathy are out jogging and Sid’s getting very into the running lark, although Kathy’s urging him to take things a little easier. Later, he’s struggling in the afterglow and while he wants to be fit to enjoy life as a father, Kathy points out that he’s an excellent (and much loved) Dad to Jamie.
  • Eddie’s got a lead for a new washing machine, but meanwhile Clarrie’s getting increasingly unamused. To add to the list, Edward’s school has been on the phone and wants to talk to them.
  • New cattle are arriving and Bert’s unsure, on the one hand they look like fine beasts, but their presence is down to another farmer getting out of milk. They’ve passed their TB test, but the big hurdle will be in six weeks with Brookfield’s next herd test.
  • David and Phil try to discuss money in the light of a much larger than expect accountant’s bill, but David doesn’t really want to listen to Phil’s entreaties for retrenchment. He doesn’t really want to here that he and his siblings were brought up on much less, but Phil doesn’t want to listen to David’s protestations that today is different. They get nowhere and an angry David suggests they discuss this another time.