The Grundys’ problems continue, but Hayley and Roy solve one problem.

Radio Times: Do Hayley and Roy want the same thing?

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  • Eddie and David are still working on the new pig accomodation, David’s in Phil’s bad books a little for being a little unreliable with his promises (dinner yesterday evening, for example and work on the hen houses). David comments to Eddie that Sid was in a great mood last night, but Eddie’s not in the mood for talking about the pub.
  • Clarrie calls Eddie home – they’ve received a letter from Borchester Mills giving them short shrift over their complaints over the feed quality. This confuses them because their letter deliberately failed to include their concerns that the drop in milk yield was doon to dodgy feed. The finger of suspicion points to Joe, who admits to a phone call to help sow the seeds of doubt, but which did anything but. They’ve an appointment with the local rep for the Tenant Farmers’ Association on Friday, so maybe he’ll be able to give them some advice and suggest a solution that’s eluded them.
  • Roy visits Hayley and they chat about almost all and everything – the tree-planting, phoebe’s childcare arrangements, even theories of the dynamics of open office space … eventually though, the ice is broken and they both admit to having shifted and while they’ve been mates for years, things are different and they both admit stronger feelings for each other.