The mighty are fallen at the F&P show.

Radio Times: Vicky stakes her claim at the Flower and Produce Show.

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  • Vicky is sure that her entry in the Flower & Produce Show will knock them dead – something different that will shake things up. Robert is pinning his hopes on a digitally enhanced photo of Lynda in the style of Andy Warhol’s picture of Marilyn Monroe.
  • Alas, before the judges even see it, Vicky’s Eiffel Tower-like creation collapses and her dreams with it. Joe is miffed because, having entered his potatoes in every possible class in order to beat Bert, he finds that Bert has entered everything but potatoes.
  • Simply delicious, Jill’s classic honey cake wins the prize. Watch and learn, Vicky! Jim notices that one of Nigel’s pictures of the fete shows Shula taking particular pleasure in Jim getting a soaking. That is destined to be hung above his mantelpiece – where Shula will be sure to see it.
  • Peggy being too busy with Jack this year to enter the buttonhole competition, which she usually wins, she has been pressed into service as a judge – a nice touch.

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