Wayne gets his marching orders – and some temporary financial support.

Radio Times: Jolene gets her priorities in order.

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  • Jolene is realising that she needs to get tough with Wayne, starting with discouraging him from calling her ‘darling’. She makes it clear he cannot stay much longer. That’s not to stay he is being thrown out at a moment’s notice, as he rather dramatically puts it, but he is no longer ill and must look after himself. She is not prepared to wait until Wayne finds a place to live – he didn’t get the house he saw on Friday – so she undertakes to find somewhere for him.
  • On their way to see Peggy and Jack, Brian explains to Jenny that he hopes to get the BL Board working together; he wants Ed’s tenancy to be approved by everyone. They will get some good PR out of it. Brian wants to talk to Peggy about her meeting with her financial adviser on Friday and he is pleased to be invited to go along too. There is a new helper starting today and fortunately Jack seems to have taken to her.
  • Lilian and Jolene exchange woes. Matt is seeing his solicitor tomorrow. Lilian points out that Wayne may have to find a month’s rent and a deposit; that will be a problem in advance of getting the Job Seeker’s Allowance. Jolene resolves that she will pay for it, though not for long; it will show Wayne that she means business – Sid too.
  • With Sid’s approval, Jolene and Wayne start looking; she applies a firm steer away from Ambridge – too expensive and little work – but he doesn’t want to go as far as Felpersham. He has got the message: she wants him gone.

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