The moment has arrived for Lynda; Lilian’s will come next week.

Radio Times: Lynda and Robert get an infant houseguest.

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  • Clarrie needs some present ideas for George but Ed cannot lay his hands on the list. He can, however, find an Anniversary card for his parents in time for tomorrow. On the way out, Clarrie notices the pheasants ready for entertaining Oliver and Caroline and anxiously asks about their provenance (not from Will, that’s for sure).
  • In The Bull, Clarrie and Jolene marvel at the pace of Vicky’s party preparations; her ideas are in such poor taste, that Mike must surely be embarrassed.
  • Lynda and Robert await the arrival of baby Oscar; Lynda is obsessed with providing an environment that is just right. Turn up the radiators another degree or three.
  • Lilian again turns to Jolene to share her woes; fortunately it’s a slack evening. She reports that Matt now knows to which prison he is being transferred, also that Chalkie, who has been a naughty boy, will be going elsewhere. Lilian confides about her drive with Jack. Of course, it wasn’t chance that took them to Felpersham prison but now she feels guilty about taking Jack there. It did calm him down and Jolene reassures her that he will remember nothing about it. Now Lilian is stressing about next week’s first visit, particularly whether Matt will lock her out of his life in prison.
  • Coriander’s first impression is that it is rather hot at Ambridge Hall. Lynda is amazed that, when baby Oscar begins to stir, mum disappears to have a quick bath before feeding him. Still, it gives the doting grandparents the chance to coo over him.

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