The water crisis brings out the Dunkirk spirit and Lent offers everyone a challenge.

Radio Times: Ambridge is roused into action as Alan mobilises his friends and neighbours.

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  • Ambridge’s monumental water crisis is the sole topic of conversation. Jill and Shula discuss it as they wait for the Ash Wednesday service to begin. Nic and Emma discuss it as the queue for the water bowser. Alan speaks about it in place of his long-awaited Ash Wednesday address, and The Bull continues to discuss it as the beer consumption rises. Fallon even takes time off from Jaxx to monitor the situation.
  • It seems that the said massive water crisis is doing some good, however (apart from swelling profits at The Bull.) Nic and Emma seem to have reached rapprochement as they chat happily in the queue, and are even cajoled into entering Dan and Fallon’s obstacle course as a pair in aid of Sport Relief. (Shula speaks learnedly about the importance of safety, thank goodness.) Emma actually congratulates Nic on winning the pancake competition. Alan is organising teams of volunteers to take yet more water to Ambridge’s vulnerable villagers and will go personally to the supermarket off the by-pass to get further supplies if necessary.
  • After leading the service and organising water distribution, Alan seeks comfort in a pint at The Bull. This leads to talk of Lenten pledges; Jill thinks Kenton should eschew alcohol. If Jolene will abstain from chocolate, he will abstain from alcohol. Ambridge has another challenge on its hands. So if Jim can be persuaded to forgo his daily paper, maybe Alan will stay away from his motorbike. Ambridge is clearly set for much merriment over the next 40 days.
  • Just when Ambridge can take no more, relief arrives in the shape of Fallon. The water will be restored at lunchtime.

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