There is confusion in the box.

Radio Times: There is confusion in the box.

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  • Sid’s trying to assemble Kathy’s birthday surprise – “the latest, state-of-the-art, hi-tech exercise machine”. After hinting that it was something for her health Kathy had been expecting a weekend away at a health farm but she seems happy enough with the present, even if she is a little sceptical as to who the present’s really for.
  • Ruth’s trying to organise Pip’s birthday party but when she discusses it with him, David can only focus on how much expense it will entail. He argues that hard choices need to be made when you’re trying to economise but, whilst expecting his daughter to make one over her party, he can’t bring himself to make one over his ‘cool’ car.
  • Pat tries again to sympathise with Hayley over her disappointment about the sausage venture. Hayley feels strongly that they deserved the support and even suggests to Pat that it was Helen who actually made the decision not to support them. When Hayley tells Pat that Tommy thinks there’s more to the decision than is being admitted she obviously hits a cord as later Pat phones Helen to discuss the situation. Helen is very unsympathetic about Tommy’s feelings and is not keen to call him to discuss it as Pat suggests. Pat also voices her concern about Hayley’s feelings as she is virtually “one of the family”. Wrong thing to say to Helen who exclaims that the problem lies in Pat and Tony treating Hayley as one of the family when she is not!

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