Toby heads off to Brighton again without telling Pip why he is going.

Radio Times: Lilian wants to hear all, and Toby has got places to be.

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  • Toby had a late night and isn’t really awake. Pip is up for a stroll to the pub and then maybe a DVD in front of the fire. She’s also keen on getting on with decorating to make the cottage a proper home. Toby is rather more reluctant. He is broke and then he dashes off to meet Josh to steam clean at Hollowtree.
  • Pat tells Lilian about the meeting with Ursula. Everything she’d wanted to say to her just came out. She has to pay her part in what Rob has become. Lilian hopes Helen feels better about Rob being gone. Pat agrees. Yes she does seem to be after their chat. Lilian congratulates Pat on becoming a grandmother again. Pat admits she didn’t see that one coming. Lilian admits she is suffering from New Year blues and has booked herself in for some beauty treatments to make up for it. Pat is still reluctant to talk to Kirsty. She knows she should tell her how pleased she is but she isn’t sure. Helen encourages her to call her.
  • Pip realises the work at Hollowtree will take longer than expected and offers to cook lunch instead. Even then, Toby is unsure about timing. Josh appears and wants to talk about his new website when Toby gets a call he had to take.
  • Pat did call Kirsty. Kirsty said she was grateful for the call. Pat thought she sounded a bit wary and wouldn’t agree to a meeting until Thursday. Pat is worried but Helen tries to convince her that it is natural for Kirsty to want to take things slow given the Tom situation. Pat is determined to get things right.
  • Josh drops into Rickyard to ask where Toby is – he hasn’t returned the steam cleaner. Pip doesn’t know where he is either and he’s not answering his phone. Pip is going to give him 10 minutes and then she’s going out to find him. Eventually he calls; he admits he is on the way to Brighton again. The call keeps breaking up so she can’t really hear. And then the call cuts out altogether.
  • Lilian takes a call from Justin. He might be able to come down soon. Miranda is going to some sort of spiritual awareness retreat (I wonder who runs those locally…..). Lilian can’t wait.

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