Tony and Pat get the report from their consultant pointing out how bad it would be to lose the packhouse. Usha’s father arrives to stay with her and makes his opinion of Alan quite clear.

Radio Times: Blood proves thicker than water for Usha.

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  • Tony and Pat get the report from their consultant and are horrified to see that it says they’d have to move the packing off the farm and rent. And there is nothing available. They just won’t be able to cope. Then they finally remember that the reason they asked for the report was to demonstrate to the planning committee how they couldn’t possibly manage.
  • Usha’s father decides to visit Usha because Satya isn’t available. She explains all that has been happening with the letters and the situation with Shula. But when Alan comes round, her father makes it clear he believes it is Alan’s fault for not being able to do anything to protect her and leaves the room.
  • Shula asks Phil if she should resign as Churchwarden. Phil says no and instantly Shula is satisfied everything is alright. After all, she wouldn’t want it to look as if she’s done anything wrong. But while she’s there, she spots that the water in the washing machine has turned bright red… Nothing important in there of course.

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