Will is told by BL that he must return full time or forfeit his tenancy in Greenwood Cottage. Brian sells something secretly.

Radio Times: Brian continues to scheme

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  • Eddie and Will are building shelves for Jake’s room. Clarrie brings over packages which turn out to be a number of things Will had ordered online. Nic had spoken of freshening up the front room and Will is determined to do it. Eddie comments on the amount of money Will has spent but Will notes that he can’t take it with him.
  • Jennifer tries to cheer Adam up who seems depressed over the failure of the IVF. Only two more chances to become a dad, moans Adam. Brian comes in and Adam leaves. When Brian asks what is it he said, Jennifer’s retort is acerbic.
  • Clarrie talks to Will about Jake coming home. Eddie is doubtful that Jake will come for good but Clarrie is determined to be positive. Will finally opens his mail and finds that the head of BL, Brian’s replacement, has sent a letter telling William that his compassionate leave is done. He must vacate Greenwood Cottage if he is not returning full time. Will is angry and runs out.
  • Jenny tells Adam she is determined to remain positive but sometimes it is difficult with all the problems facing the family. She wants to see a light at the end of the tunnel. Adam suddenly changes tack and becomes the one who lifts Jenny’s spirits by declaring he is certain that soon there will be a new life to brighten everyone’s outlook.
  • Will bursts in and interrupts Brian on the phone. Will explains the letter he has received from BL’s Martin which abruptly gives notice that Will must return full time or leave his home. Will tells Brian that Martin was as nasty face to face as he was in the letter. Martin declared BL are running a business and Will must come back or resign. Will feels that he is damned if goes part time and damned if he returns full time because there will be no one to take care of the children. A depressed Will returns to Grange Farm and reassures his parents that all is sorted and he can stay in Greenwood Cottage as long as he likes. Eddie and Clarrie are relieved and note how proud they are of Will. He must have handled things very well.
  • Jennifer has a drink with Brian and she seems determined to mend fences. He tells her about Will’s situation; Jennifer supports Brian in his efforts to help Will. Jennifer asks Brian to say something positive to Adam. Brian’s phone rings and it is someone named Doug who is the person Brian has been trying to reach. It is a good deal less than Brian wanted but for the good of Home Farm, he must accept this offer. (What is being sold, we don’t yet know.)

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