Will’s offer is accepted on No.1 The Green.

Radio Times: The tables begin to turn for Matt.

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  • Eddie is fantasising about food. Clarrie won’t let him eat a thing. Ruth thinks he’ll be pleased at the weigh in but Eddie doesn’t sound so sure. Joe is alright, he keeps popping round to Nic and Will for a fry up. Eddie explains about Will’s legacy – he expects Will will put it straight in the building society. Meanwhile, Eddie is hoping for work from the digester project.
  • Annabelle warns Matt just how expensive all the time she is taking up is going to be. Matt bats it aside. During the meeting, he gets a phone call about the two offers on No.1 The Green. He says the first offer needs to raise their price. Later a call comes through and Matt agrees to accept an offer under the asking price.
  • Pip and Izzie are obsessed with the Young Farmers’ Valentines Disco. But no night out for David and Ruth. Ruth is in no fit state and David will have to act as chauffeur. It’s also apparent the Bert is determined to make a scale model of the digester. Maybe David could trip over with it or something.
  • Will turns up at Keeper’s Cottage with champagne. It was his offer that was accepted. Eddie is thrilled – a Grundy with his own house. But he’s not just putting money into the house. He wants to spread his good luck too.

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