William’s date with Emma goes well, so does Brian’s trip but poor Bluebell is still down.

Radio Times: A tête-à-tête at Grey Gables.

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  • Emma’s impressed with William’s new car. They are off to somewhere different but it’s a secret. Turns out it’s tea at Grey Gables. Emma’s rather impressed. It’s not often she gets taken out to tea and it’s much more fun that clubbing! She’s rather impressed with the nice car. That seems to deserve a kiss. Even if Neil does catch them. Another time then.
  • David’s been up twice in the night to massage Bluebell. Now she’s got her own inflatable mattress to spread the weight. She’ll have to be moved every two or three hours. Bert thinks it’s all a waste of time and David’s not going to get any sleep. At least Ruth’s check up was fine but she needs some rest.
  • Brian’s trip seems to be going well. If they make a go of it, he’ll have to make lots more trips. Jennifer will miss him.

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