William’s GCSE results are good and Julia celebrates her mumbleth birthday!

Radio Times: William is an egghead.

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  • Lizzie’s making a to-do list ahead of their brief holiday to Ireland and also conducting a fire drill, which thrills Julia who’d rather lie down ahead of her birthday dinner this evening.
  • The Grange Farm cell count is still a little elevated, but the mood is generally celebratory – William’s exam results were better than expected, five passes (2 Cs, 2Ds and an E) and only a fail in French. His elders are most pleased and wonder where the intellectual in him came from. George has given him a shotgun(and is arranging his licence) as his gift. The celebration continues with another production quality testing session with the apple brandy!
  • While the cake didn’t have its full complement of 75 candles (her new beau Louis doesn’t, it seems, know her age! A few re-phrased comments continued this trend!) the dinner was a success. Julia was pressed into a little performance and arm-twisting alighted on a G&S number and when Phil sat at the piano to accompany her, quelle surprise, the score was already there ….